Levels of Candida

Level 1

Infection with Candida can progress through several levels. The first level involves the acceptance of yeast by the infant’s body shortly after birth, when the immune system sets up its controls. This is an acceptable level, since we all live in a sea of yeast.

Level 2

Infections in the G.I. and genitourinary tracts marked by any number of symptoms including diarrhea, constipation, bloating, heartburn, gas, indigestion, white coating on tongue, sore throats, cystitis, and anal itching, vaginitis, absorption of nutrients, yeast infections, weight gain, and genital rashes.

Level 3

Infections on toxins pass into the bloodstream and cause immune system breakdown and allergies to foods and environment. When this occurs, the body can react with hives, headaches, rashes, acne, asthma, hay fever, ear infections, weight gain, bronchitis, colds, and fatigue.

Level 4

Central nervous system dysfunction and deterioration occurs because of excessive toxins in the bloodstream–some of which interfere with nerve synapse transmissions. Symptoms include memory loss or lapses, headaches, depression, PMS, irritability, belligerence, lack of concentration, fatigue, lack of motivation, poor self-image, confusion, and being spacey.

Level 5

Endocrine gland and organ breakdown occurs. As the nerve impulses fail, communication between the many parts of the body breaks down. Endocrine gland responses become weak. The thyroid and adrenal glands (energy glands) become underactive. The hypothalamus miscommunicates. Also, the gonads (ovaries, testes) become stressed, causing further glandular imbalance. Fungus invades these weakened tissues causing physical damage to the tissue. Parts of the body are literally eaten alive. Symptoms include hypothyroidism, adrenal burnout, severe fatigue, severe abdominal pain, PMS, menstrual irregularities (endometriosis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea), infertility, lack of breast development, and low liver function. At this level, all therapies have a tendency to aggravate the condition, making it difficult to get started on a program.

Comprehensive Microbiology/Parasitology testing is available by appointment (901) 763-7006.

Understanding Yeast

What is Homeopahty?

It is estimated that over 90% of the U.S. population has some degree of Candida overgrowth. What is Candida albicans? It is yeast organism that normally lives in your mouth, on your skin and in your intestinal tract. If you are a female, it can also live in your vagina.

In a normal healthy body, the immune system and the “friendly bacteria” that inhabit the intestinal tract keep Candida overgrowth under control. However, in today’s polluted and stressful environment, and with are less than perfect dietary habits, most of us do not live at our maximum health potential. When our immune system is weak, or we have taken a series of antibiotics, the natural balance of our body is disturbed. Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate unhealthy bacteria in the body. However, they also eliminate healthy or “good” bacteria enabling the Candida organism to multiply unchecked.

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