A Regimen to Consider in Patients with Heart Disease

  1. Reduce risk factors (i.e. stop smoking)
  2. Exercise– infrared therapy is effective in addition to regular exercise.
  3. Supplements: L-carnitine 500 mg; folic acid 1 mg; magnesium glycinate 2 gm, coenzyme Q10 400 mg/(Dr. John’s); essential fatty acids (Super EFA/ARG); and 2 gm Ultra Absorbic-C/(Bioimmune), taken orally.

    Patients with elevated cholesterol levels may benefit from a complete cardiovascular formula: HARTMED–Extra Strength/AuMed, Lypo TPP, vitamin E (1000 I.U. of “mixed tocopherols”). Patients with hypertension and high blood pressure may benefit from extra taurine and capsicum. Oorganic-15/Biotics is suggested for elevated homocystiene. UltraNutrient(advanced antioxidants & phytonutrients)/Pure Encapsulations, as a comprehensive multi-vitamin for heart care.

  4. Chelation Therapy: Detox Max Plus/Bioimmune Take 1 ounce orally mixed with cranberry juice, twice per week at bedtime

Non-Traditional Approaches Towards Treatment

Chelation Therapy

EDTA (ethylenediamine tetracetic acid: sodium salt)

  • Intravenous
  • Oral-Detox Max Plus

Fibrinogen, platelet aggregation and rouleaux

  • Ultra Absorbic-C (Oral)
  • Oral supplementation with Ultra Vitamin C/Metagenics or Vitamin C. Complex/Transformations
  • Oral supplementation with Super EFA: 2 caps 2 to 3-times daily with meal
  • Oral supplementation with 1000 I.U vitamin-E (D,L isomer)
  • Protease TPP: 2 capsules, morning and bedtime on an empty stomach


  • Improves congestive heart failure
  • Decreases left ventricular dilatation after acute myocardial infarction
  • Antiarrythmic
  • Improves myocardial function
  • Improves immune function

Magnesium Glycinate

  • Two grams per day plus, effective for arrythmias and hypertension
  • Intravenous or injection route can achieve immediate therapeutic levels
  • Bi-weekly injection of 1 to 2 gm magnesium (2 to 4 cc 50% magnesium sulfate +1cc lidocaine or procaine to reduce discomfort of IM shot or utilize I.V.
  • Oral administration: 100 mg magnesium glycinate, 1-2 capsules, 4-times daily (slow gradual results)
  • Improves congestive heart failure

HeartOption cardiovascular powder(60+ nutrient ingredients):1 to 2 scoops 3-times daily with meals

  • Enhances oxygen transfer to the heart muscle and brain
  • Help prevents red blood cell “stickiness” and unwanted clotting
  • Enhances rebuilding of damaged heart muscle tissue
  • Supplies necessary macro and micro minerals for optimum cardiovascular function
  • Multifunction antioxidant
  • Enhances integrity of vascular and cardiovascular system
  • Decreases homocysteine production in the body
  • Helps normalize blood pressure
  • Enhances HDL production
  • Helps decrease LDL production
  • Decreases prostaglandin two production, while increasing prostaglandin-3 generation
  • Helps with angina and shortness of breath associated with advanced cardiovascular disease
  • Catalyzes oxygen transfer to cells and heart muscle
  • Appears to enhance the production of natural capillary bypass of arterial blockages to greatly increase recovery of major M.I. (myocardial infarction)
  • Beneficial complement with other treatment approaches such as: Sugery, Bypass, Angioplasy, and Stents

Ultra Absorbic-C (Oral)

Supplies non corn-derived ascorbic acid in an essential phospholipid delivery system. Essential phospholipds have shown the following cardiovascular benefits in human clinical trials:

  • numerous animal and human clinical studies (controlled against diet, double-blinded placebo controlled or open) showing substantial improvement in lowering of mean total serum cholesterol (12% to 25%)
  • significant decrease in of LDL (so called “bad cholesterol”) in clinical studies of 34% (Horsch AK et. al.)
  • significant increase in HDL (“good cholesterol”) was observed by 5 different researchers varying from 50% to 100% increase after 1 to 3 months treatment (Belousova SS et. al., Izumi H. et. al., Nakumura H. et. al., Stankovic D., and Thurnherr A.)
  • 37.7% reduction in serum triglycerides in Type II diabetics, a 12 month clinical trial against placebo (Andreis J.)
  • very substantial lowering of cardiovascular risk ratio (LDL/HDL)
  • 5.6 reduction to 3.7 in a double-blind trial (Kirsten,R)
  • 4.3 reduction to 2.8 in an 14 patient, 4-week open study (Goto, Y., Nakamura H.)
  • increased peripheral and brain circulation
  • decreases reactive platelet aggregation (60%) in patients with angina pectoris was reported in a 1984 study (Almazov G. V.A.)
  • significantly increases fluidity of red blood cell membranes
  • significant decrease in anginal attacks or in some instances an elimination of anginal attacks.
  • walking exercise tolerance increased as much as 900 % before angina pain or requiring nitroglycerin

Supplied oral with intravenous delivered “true” di-sodium EDTA to vascular system and brain.

  • remove calcium build-up in arteriosclerotic plaque and vascular system: use Electron Beam Tomography for monitoring (30 + vials)
  • decreases heavy metal build-up in coronary arteries and myocardium muscle, which can be a major cause of cardiovascular disease (Frustachi et al.)
  • dramatically decreases heavy metal build-up systemically (Dugi, D. and Takemoto, A)

Ideal Treatment Protocol

  • Detox Max Plus
  • Supplement Program and continue throughout full treatment protocol

Weight Loss

Common Tests

electrocardiogram (EKG)

An EKG is a record of the heart’s electrical impulses. It can identify abnormalities in heart rate and rhythm, and it can help to establish whether the heart muscle is receiving enough oxygen.

Exercise Stress Test

An exercise stress test monitors the effects of treadmill exercise on blood pressure and EKG and identifies any exercise stress-related abnormalities.

Coronary Angiogram

A series of X-rays of the coronary arteries. The coronary angiogram is considered the most accurate way to measure the severity of coronary disease. During an angiogram, a thin, long, flexible tube called a catheter is inserted into an artery in the forearm or groin, then threaded through the circulatory system into one of the two major coronary arteries. Dye is then injected to show the flow within the coronary arteries and to identify any areas of narrowing or blockage.