What is Candida?

Candida is a yeast fungi. There are many different species of yeast fungi but the most common are known as Candida albicans. Our bowl hosts hundreds of species of bacteria and other organisms that help break down food for nutrient absorption. These micro organisms including Candida in a healthy body are controlled by the beneficial bacteria and do us no harm. However, when we change our internal environment through diet, drug use and lifestyle choices, serious problems start.
To learn more about Candida we recommend the book, ‘The Yeast Connection’ by William G. Crook
What causes Candida?
Antibiotics, chemotherapy, chlorinated water, birth control pills, pesticide exposure and steroids have given Candida a special opportunity to flourish. Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill a lot of different microbes in the body, both harmful and beneficial. Unfortunately, the drugs have no effect on Candida. Candida flourishes on sugar and processed carbohydrates. Candida Albicans attach themselves to the intestinal wall, growing long tentacles or roots that eventually break through the intestinal wall barrier, into the lymph and blood stream producing a whole host of toxic substances, causing many problems in various organs in the body, which is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Most chronic degenerative disorders have been connected to Candida overgrowth from arthritis, and digestive problems to ME, MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromialgia, cancer and neurological disorders.
The symptoms of a Candida overgrowth
Candida symptoms include poor immune function, chronic bloating, intestinal cramps, rectal itching, mouth sores (white patches on the tongue or inside of cheeks), tingling, chronic fatigue (ME), allergies, thrush, bladder infections, fatigue, cravings for sugar-rich foods and sweets, craving for foods rich in carbohydrates.
The Candida Diet
The Candida Diet is designed to starve Candida, fungi, yeasts and other parasites. For the Candida diet to be effective, you will need to follow it strictly. After following the diet for a few days or weeks, you should notice increased energy, easier movement, improved sleep, and fewer digestive issues. The Candida diet also reduces inflammation, stabilizes blood sugar and optimizes body composition.
The following foods need to be eliminated from your diet:
- All dairy products: Cheese, milk, sour cream and yogurt. *Grass fed butter and organic cottage cheese are allowed.
- All yeast products and fermented foods: alcohol, bread, Marmite, Oxo, Brovril, vinegars, mustard, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, processed and smoked fish, and meats, sauerkraut, pickled foods.
- All sugar products: honey, fructose, cane syrup, brown sugar, corn syrup, lactose, glucose, dextrose, Nutrasweet, Caderel, Equal and all saccharin products.
- Fruit and fruit juices: a squeeze of lemon or lime is acceptable. No tomatoes and bell peppers.
- Root vegetables: carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, white potatoes and beetroots
- Moldy foods: peanuts, pistachios, avocados and mushrooms
- Caffeinated foods: Coffee, soda, green and black caffeinated tea
- All Grains: Wheat, quinoa, rice, teff, spelt, oats, rye, sprouted grains, sourdough, pasta, and all breads
- Toxic fats and oils: trans fats, hydrogenated fats, margarine, industrial seed oils (peanut, canola, soybean, corn, wesson, vegetable), and fat from factory farmed animals.
- Meat from Scavengers: Pork and shellfish
- Lentils and beans: Chick peas, all dried beans, lima beans, lentils and pinto beans
- All processed and fast foods
*The foundation of the candida diet is 4-5 servings a day of clean protein, unlimited servings of above ground vegetables and 4-6 teaspoons a day of healthy oils.
Herxheimer’s reaction – detox symptoms
While on the candida diet, the body may become clogged with waste and endotoxins, caused by the parasite die off. You may feel ill as your symptoms apparently worsen. This is known as the Herxheimer’s reaction. It is temporary and may last for a few days or weeks depending on the amount of yeast and parasites that are present in the body. Some people also have symptoms of low blood sugar and gluten fever, withdrawal symptoms from removing gluten from the diet.
Supplement Protocol for the Candida Diet
These products can be purchased from our online store:
- Candibactin AR or Yeast Formula
- Candibactin BR
- Interfase Plus Enzymes
- Ultra Flora Spectrum Probiotics
- AlphaCU (Lipoic Acid)
- Chromium Picolinate
- Pure EFA Eskimo oil (Fish Oil)
- Moringa or PhytoMulti
- Optional: Basic Detoxification & Drainage Kit from Pekana
Labs we recommend
Genova Diagnostics – GI Effects Stool Profile
Resources for Candida
Sample Daily Food Plan
Find Out if you might have Candida