Better Detection of Parasites & Food Intolerance

Roundworm Detection:

The roundworm ascaris lumbricoides is the most common worm infection worldwide. It is more concentrated in warm, moist climates (southeastern U.S) and on swine farms or where pig feces are used as fertilizer. Humans acquire it by swallowing eggs from contaminated soil, water, fruits or vegetables and in children through the fecal-oral route. Clinically, it causes coughing and difficulty breathing that subsides only to be followed by abdominal discomfort / pain. A common finding is malnutrition, especially in children. Microscopic egg detection is elusive because the time required from egg ingestion to shedding in stool is 2 – 3 months. The saliva based SigA test enhances detection of this worm.

Tissue Worm Detection:

Trichinella spiralis is a tissue worm of swine. Humans acquire the infection by ingesting the larvae from undercooked pork. The parasites reside mainly in skeletal muscle causing inflammation and fibromyalgia. With poor meat handling and cooking habits this infection is becoming more widespread. Saliva SigA detection is used as the basis of our trichinella detection.

Toxoplasma Detection:

A chronic tissue parasite infestation, affecting 50-60% of the U.S. Population. It is mostly acquired from contact with cat litter, secretions and and the consumption of undercooked meat. This organism forms cysts in human tissue, including the brain and muscle. Immune suppression can lead to the release of the active tachyzoites from the cysts causing symptomatic exacerbations. Asymptomatic individuals may experience a gradual decline in memory and cognitive abilities. Saliva samples are used to detect toxoplasma secretory antibodies.

Tapeworm Detection:

Swine tapeworm (Taenia solium) infections are worldwide and concentrated in countries where pork is consumed and sanitation is poor. The human harbors the adult worm, which is 6-20 feet long and inhabits the small intestines. The head is armed with about 22-32 hooks and the worm sheds 250,000 or more eggs a day. When the pig consumes the eggs from human feces (ex.sewage fertilizer), the eggs partially mature into the intermediate form, the cysticerus, which infects the muscle and brains of swine. Humans consuming infected undercooked pork, or eating food contaminated with infested human feces can develop intestinal tapeworm and/or tissue migrating tapeworm larvae (cysticercosis). Muscles and the brain are a favorite site of larval hatching. Myositis, fibromyalgia and CNS related problems are common clinical manifestations. Saliva SigA is used for detection.

Food Intolerance Testing:

Analyzes the antigen specific Secretory IgA in saliva to detect genetically inherited food intolerance to Wheat (gluten), Cow’s milk (casein), Eggs (ovalbumin) and Soy protein. These predisposed individuals usually experience intestinal inflammation after consumption of the offending foods. Subsequently, the intestinal mucosa releases Secretory IgA to neutralize the antigens. SigA testing, unlike IgG, allows detection of mild, subclinical, and latent intolerance cases. Furthermore, the short SigA half-life insures earlier and more effective compliance/follow up assessments.

Parasite Infestation Statistics
Clostridium difficile5% of Population (Extrapolated – 13 million people)
Giardia Iamblia7.2% Population (Extrapolated – 19 million people)
Entamoeba coli4.2% Population (Extrapolated – 11 million people)
Endolimax nana4.2% Population (Extrapolated – 11 million people)
Toxoplasma gondil50-60% Population (Extrapolated – 110 million people)
Blastocystis hominis2.6% Population (Extrapolated – 7 million people)

Contact the wellness clinic to order Parasite Test Kits and Instructions